4 definitions by terminalblue.dyndns.org

A store dedicated to saving you money...and crushing unoins! You can't beat those everyday low prices...or the fact that they hire illegal aliens to keep those prices low! supercenters save you time and money by putting everything you need in one place...except for crosses for burning, those are all at the Waltons house. Were the employees are loaded with Pride... and toasted, nicely toasted.
EWME: I asked my manager to press the button on the bailer I while I was standing inside of it at wal-mart, because his blood alcohol level was %1.2 he didn't even argue. And thats how I got to heaven.

satan: this is hell fool!

EWME: Odd, it's seems so much nicer then wal mart
by terminalblue.dyndns.org December 29, 2004
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what women keep calling me
she just wants to be my friend...i am never leave my parents house agin...except for maybe the occasional everquest lan-party
by terminalblue.dyndns.org December 29, 2004
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woah! he did what...pissed on a 15 year old...what a freakin wacko...he fucked them too...was he stoned?...damn I want to be famous
i love junoir high school parking lots at 3pm the same way r. kelly does
by terminalblue.dyndns.org December 29, 2004
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