20 definitions by takethathill

Randy Rhodes is a radio talk show host on Air America. She has very liberal points of view. She is kinda cute. The problem is no one can listen to her anger for any more than about 5 minutes. She has huge anger management issues.
Last I heard Randy Rhodes was still on Air America.
Air America appears to be in big trouble.
by takethathill August 20, 2006
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Information highway is the internet. The vast amount of information available to you in your home. The information highway makes cool things like the urban dictionary available to the average person.
Dude #1 "are you hooked up to the information highway"
Dude #2 "Yes, I have a dsl conection and it smokes"
by takethathill August 19, 2006
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George W. Bush is the 43rd president of the United States(2006). GWB will go down as the president that opened the United States gates wide to the Mexicans and South Americans. The USA now has by some estimates 12 million Mexicans. It is estimated that by 2050 the USA will have 100 million Mexicans (8 times what the USA has now) , legal and illegal. Since Mexicans have 6-8 children within the next 25 years (2075) the USA will be 65% Mexican, 23% White, and the remainder other races. The USA is becoming a 3rd World country at a rapid rate.
by takethathill August 21, 2006
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New Orleans is a city on the Gulf Coast of the United States. The people that live in New Orleans are mostly unemployed and lazy. Lots of drug dealers, crime and everything else that goes along with drugs.
New Orleans is a city that is below sea level and flood prone. After hurricane Katrina about half of the people left the city and went to other citys to sell drugs, steal and live off of welfare.
New Orleans will be completely under water within 50 years.
by takethathill August 29, 2006
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Fifth column is a group of people invading a country in a stealthy way. If everything goes well in a period of time the numbers outweigh the native people then the fifth column rise up and and take over the territory or country.
Fifth column examples: Muslims into England, Spain & France. Mexicans into the United States, California, Texas & New Mexico. Fall of the Roman Empire.
Mexicans are the fifth column.
by takethathill August 23, 2006
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Towel lifting is when you pull a turban off of a muslims head, and run with it.
"Hey dude lets do some towel lifting today."
"great idea, but be careful we don't wanta get one with a hand gernade in it"
by takethathill August 20, 2006
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An old woman with no job and a very limited education, so she decides to get a little press by protesting George W. Bush & the war on terrorism. Some think she is a double agent secretly working for the republicans. It appears to be another brilliant plan devised by that devious Carl Rowe. If this is true, its working like a charm. Only 5 members of congress voted to pull out of Iraq when they had the opportunity.
Cindy Sheehan is now in Texas camping out with Randy Rhodes they had a bonding experience.
by takethathill August 20, 2006
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