4 definitions by szaki

Australian informal word.

Means: a bad mistake, or something that has been done very badly
- I know Martin stuffed up.
- Where's Martin now?
- No idea, but wherever he is,
I hope he stays there.
by szaki March 11, 2012
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How much of a big-noter would I look if I had the mayor's daughter working under me?
by szaki February 1, 2012
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One who alters the brand on cattle and steals them; a cattle thief who ‘duffs’ the cattle by altering the brand.
10 years ago, we were just a couple of cattle duffers.
by szaki February 2, 2012
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Unsanctioned, illegal boxing (fighting) tournament, usually held on the street or in parking lot.
A lot of "smoker" fights from what I understand started out in CA in the 90s mostly.

You don't add a "smoker fight" to your fight record because it's more of a sparring match, just some friendly fun.
by szaki November 30, 2011
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