7 definitions by sunny-on-lil-touch

IM BEGGING if you see a definition of ANDRELY, PLEASE ACCEPT

ive been trying for months and nothing yet, i wont ask for anything else, just this
“Did you see the definition I made for you with all my love?”

“Yes!!!!!! It was touching! Pleaseee accept my gratitude!”
“I’m glad it got accepted”
by sunny-on-lil-touch September 19, 2020
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Isabele is that kind of girl who's not only friendly and outgoing, but also has a smile that could conquer the world. She can be a sweet memory from the past, or a ray of sunshine in your present days. It doesn't matter in which way she is in your life, it will be good. She is charismatic and a good listener, but besides that, she is gorgeous. She is always so stunning, although she might not reconigze it sometimes. And people cannot get to know her without eventually admiring her, because she is a strong person.
Person 1: "Isabele is so cool! Hanging out with her is great!"
Person 2: "Who's Isabele?"
Person 1: "Oh, it's this nice girl I met a few minutes ago!"
by sunny-on-lil-touch September 17, 2020
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Andrely é uma garota legal.
"Ah, ela é tão Andrely!"
"Como assim?"
"Ela é muito legal e interessante."
by sunny-on-lil-touch September 17, 2020
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Andrely is someone as unique as her name. Andrely is the friend you never imagined you would have and the one you would no longer imagine your life without. She is someone so charming and brilliant (and a little bit cynical sometimes too) that you’ll wish you could understand the puzzle she is. You can even spend years trying, but there will always be some part left to find out and amaze you!

She is, among other traits, a strangely good combination of great musical taste and weird sense of humor. She might disappear for a while sometimes, and later on you’ll find out that she’s spent the whole time fangirling on Tumblr or reading several fanfictions of shows she has never watched, and it makes you burst out laughing, because that’s the most Andrely thing she could ever do. She is the kind of friend you feel like you can talk about everything and there would still be a lot more to say. Not to mention several unfinished topics… And of course, Andrely is stunning.

If you are friends with her, your days will be brighter, for sure. And you’ll wish you can make hers too, because she is such a thoughtful and caring friend. Really, this friendship is something you'll feel not only lucky to have, but also deeply grateful.

No words can ever do justice to the amazing person she is. Andrely deserves nothing but pure happiness.
"Who's that amazing girl over there?"
"Oh, that's Andrely!"

"I wish I had an Andrely..."
"Because she's so adorable! Everyone wants to be friends with her!"
by sunny-on-lil-touch July 21, 2020
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Andrely is someone so unique and likable, that it’s almost impossible for anyone to know her and not love her. She’s such a good friend and also incredibly smart, reliable and fucking gorgeous.
Are you friends with Andrely?”
Yes, why?”
“Oh, lucky you!”
by sunny-on-lil-touch September 19, 2020
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Andrely is someone as unique as her name. Andrely is the friend you never imagine you would have and the one you can no longer imagine your life without. She is someone so charming and brilliant ( a bit cynical too ;p) that you’ll wish you could understand the puzzle she is. You can even spend years trying, but there will always be some part left to find out and amaze you!

She is, among other traits, a strangely good combination of great musical taste and weird sense of humor. She might disappear for a while sometimes, and later on you’ll find out that she’s spent the whole time fangirling on Tumblr or reading several fanfictions of shows she has never watched, and it makes you burst out laughing, because that’s the most Andrely thing she could ever do. She is the kind of friend you feel like you can talk about everything and there would still be a lot more to say.

If you are friends with her, your days will be brighter, for sure. And you’ll wish you can make hers too, because she is such a thoughtful and caring friend. Really, this friendship is something you feel not only lucky to have, but also deeply grateful.

Please, don’t mind this attempt. No words can ever do justice to the amazing person she is. That’s why this whole definition sounds unfair, because she is someone indescribable. In the best way.

Andrely deserves nothing but pure happiness. And a Happy Birthday, too.
"Oh, I wish I could have an Andrely in my life..."
" Same. I'd feel so honored..."

"She's friends with Andrely? Lucky bastard!"
by sunny-on-lil-touch July 15, 2020
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Andrely is someone as unique as her name. Andrely is the friend you never imagined you would have and the one you can no longer imagine your life without. She is someone so charming and brilliant (and a little bit cynical sometimes too) that you’ll wish you could understand the puzzle she is. You can even spend years trying, but there will always be some part left to find out and amaze you!

She is, among other traits, a strangely good combination of great musical taste and weird sense of humor. She might disappear for a while sometimes, and later on you’ll find out that she’s spent the whole time fangirling on Tumblr or reading several fanfictions of shows she has never watched, and it makes you burst out laughing, because that’s the most Andrely thing she could ever do. She is the kind of friend you feel like you can talk about everything and there would still be a lot more to say. Not to mention several unfinished topics… And of course, Andrely is a stunning girl.

If you are friends with her, your days will be brighter, for sure. And you’ll wish you can make hers too, because she is such a thoughtful and caring friend. Really, this friendship is something you'll feel not only lucky to have, but also deeply grateful.

No words can ever do justice to the amazing person she is. Andrely deserves nothing but pure happiness.
"Oh, you're friends with Andrely?"
"Lucky bastard!"

"I wish I could meet an Andrely..."
"Same. I'd be so happy."
by sunny-on-lil-touch July 21, 2020
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