87 definitions by stuart fletcher

<noun> Offensive Chiefly British Slang

The implication that the subject of the insult is indeed so insignificant as to suggest that they are equal only to the small particles of sweat, semen and urine to be found twix the folds of the foreskin and/or other parts of the penis.
BAZZA: "Aww Chazza you fuckin' knob-cheese!"
CHAZZA: "Dahn fuckin' call me a knob-cheese, y' piece o' shit!"
by stuart fletcher January 29, 2005
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<transitive verb>
1) To eject swiftly.
2) To utter suddenly.
3) To blow a full-on shed-full of baby-batter out of your jap's eye.
1) The pilot ejaculated from the aircraft just before the point of collision.
2) "Oh!" Thomas ejaculated, "That came as a surprise."
3) I have just ejaculated into your mother's vaginal crevice.
by stuart fletcher January 18, 2005
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Anglo-American slang term used to describe the act of mastubation in order to empty one's testicles of a thick, fat, juicy load of baby-batter in order to start a newer batch.
Or, in the case of the film 'There's Something About Mary,' the theory that "cleaning your pipes" will steady your nerves before a date because your body will not think you are trying to have sex because you will have tricked it into thinking you have done already...
"Percy spent two hours cleaning his pipes because he hadn't shot his load for four days."

"Hey Gordon, you should clean your pipes before seeing Jennifer tonight, it'll steady your nerves."
by stuart fletcher November 3, 2004
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<n> Science;

ºKelvin is the scale used in science on the same incremental level as celsius with its reference point 0 being absolute zero (-273ºC), as opposed to celsius which has the reference at the freezing point of water (0ºC).

--> most people only know of two temperature measurements, Farenheit and Celsius. But there are in fact three, Kelvin being the third.
"Abdul noted that water freezes at 273ºK and boils at 373ºK."
by stuart fletcher November 7, 2004
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<adj> British slang

1) To be tough, strong and a good fighter.
2) To pretend to be tough, strong and a good fighter.
1) "Keith is hard, last week he totally fucked over Bilbo."
2) "I'm 'ard me innit. Dah'n fucken mess."
by stuart fletcher November 6, 2004
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<noun> Colloquial;

Precipitation containing rain and snow.

--> Which means the ground will get wet and the snow won't stick. So it's just crap basically. You probably don't get it in America.
WEATHERMAN: "It's gonna sleet so take some snow boots and an umbrella with you to work."
by stuart fletcher May 10, 2005
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British slang

See also: Uber

1) <adjective> Good

2) <prefix> The most superlative

==> The word 'Über' is taken from German and is used in exactly the same way by an English slang speaker as a German speaker would. Über in German literally means 'Over' or 'Above' and is often merged with other German words to emphasise their excellence. e.g. "Übersoldat" or "Over-soldier" literally translated. In English, we would sooner say, "Super-soldier", but the meaning is the same.

Other variations:-


Variant on the spelling of 'Über' with exactly the same meaning only the 'Ü' is replaced with the greek letter 'µ' (Myu).
This is an informal and localised variant and would never be used in formal text.
1) "Aww man, that isn't only Gnarly - that is Über!"

2) "Holy shit, that is Über-cool!"

1+2) "Holy shit! Aww man, that isn't only Gnarly - that is Über-Über!!!"
by stuart fletcher December 21, 2004
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