6 definitions by spiraling

A combination of a sneer and a smirk. Used as a verb in instant messenger conversations, never as a noun.
I had a private snerk when I saw my ex at the convention and noticed he was going bald at 19.
by spiraling February 14, 2005
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1. Noun. The result of a person's typing. 2. Noun. Typos.
IM Buddy A: Then this crazy woman called in and said "I want a refand!"
IM Buddy B: Nice typage there.
IM Buddy A: What do you expect, I'm drunk.
by spiraling February 27, 2006
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The froth seen on the lips of a politician who is so engrossed in making a point that he/she neglects to notice the drool coming out of his/her mouth. First seen in the Movies in Fifteen Minutes community on LiveJournal as it mocked High Chancellor Sutler in the film "V for Vendetta." See also telefroth.
All of the bad guys, plus Chief Inspector Finch, are conveniently in one room to receive the giant, furious telespittle of High Chancellor Sutler.
by spiraling April 9, 2006
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The act of spewing political invective, orders, and incoherency at one's followers through a television or radio. So named from the Movies in Fifteen Minutes community on LiveJournal which made fun of the character High Chancellor Sutler in the film "V for Vendetta." See also telespittle.
This diary is so important that Finch has the pleasure of Sutler’s telefroth all to himself.
by spiraling April 9, 2006
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A term taken from Japanese and used in the United States amongst anime afficionados to show their obsessive love for their hobby, further changed by innocent mispronunciation to mean people who, subjectively, have no taste.
Oh, ew, here comes Harold--he's going to talk to us about DragonBall Z, and we'll never escape. What an otaku.
by spiraling February 14, 2005
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