7 definitions by source

Crazy Russian dude. His Russianness is astounding.
fgalkin, you mad Russian, you drank all the vodka!
by source October 28, 2004
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a word in Spanish that means kiss in English
by source July 8, 2003
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A person who is from Grenada, in the West Indies
by source July 8, 2003
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never will happen because there is always going to be an argument over land or polotics. democrats are living in a dream world thinking their will be peace in the world if we get rid of our arms.
by source March 2, 2004
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A yogurt that can only be consumed by squeezing it through a tube on a skateboard.
Yo doodz dis Gogurt is xtreme.
by source August 7, 2003
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Something false or counterfiet; fake or lame.
by source August 7, 2003
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