1 definition by siiiiiiick.

Tiverton's most finest have for the majority originated from Nonquit School (R.I.P). However T.M.S is where all the schools came together. and it got real scandalous. Schools such as Ranger and Poccassett, taught the wholesome kids of Nonquit dirty words, how to grind, and about recreational drug use. Lets face it Poccassett is straight up trashy. TMS is where some of us had our first slow dance or lost our virginity at the Friday night dances. while a certain bald man sat on the stage and tried to peak down girls shirts. Nelly OWNED middle school dances and the drama was comparable to the OC. We all loved those awkward years. Upon graduating from TMS and completing our finals years of puberty we were all a little more bad ass upon entering THS. What can we say, stabbings? bomb threats? mold? random evacuations?
One glorious day though, the clouds opened up and the heavens shined down on little Tiverton. And there was HESS express. where friends meet. a meeting place for when parties are broken up by the cops or to grab some mixers or some gas on your way to cruise the Ave.
Its believed that beer pong actually originated in Tiverton and if thats not true we sure were raised on it. Theres nothing like skipping classes on a hott day and heading to a friends house while there parents are at work for a quick game. And if that's not an option head over to Grenells where you can find condoms burried in the sand.
And what about the infamous Mr. Cody or Mr. Gettzinger. They've supposidly had their obituaries posted in the newspaper about 50 times. Seriously.
There's nothing like senior year in Tiverton though. The non-stop threats of breathalizers at every possible event, the lame senior pranks that always result in arrests, the yearbook profiles which every year the kids get a little more creative in finding a way to sneak in their favorite drugs or alchol example: fresh powder, the captain, baking. We've all had a run in with everyones favorite principal but you're never really sure if its you he's yelling at with his crazy eyes. So after graduation pretty much everyone goes to URI where its a THS reunion 24/7. But every summer we come back and start new scandals and its guarenteed that every week you'll know at least one person in the police reports. And if you're one of the few that doesn't go to URI be sure to hit up a Badfish concert where you'll see 85% of you're class most of them will end up on the stage at one point of the night. There are more random hook-ups at a Badfish concert than prom night. It's straight up dirty.
So if you're an unsuccessful jock, a gossipy bitch, a poser stoner, dress in rennassance clothing, looking to go pro in BP, or just don't fit anywhere else, come to Tiverton. its so random.
Tiverton Class of 2005 Kicked ASS!
by siiiiiiick. September 12, 2006
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