2 definitions by sharemal0933


The act of hitting someone with a piece of bamboo. Smacking someone upside the head or playfully wham-ing someone with the bamboo.

Past Tense: Whambooed
"She totally hit me with the good ol' whamboo! I didn't even see it coming!"

"I wish I could just whamboo them in the head, they're getting on my nerves!"

"I remember one time when I got whambooed, it hurt!!!"
by sharemal0933 January 5, 2023
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The flabby belly that hangs from most cats and a lot of people as well. The silly putty flap that swings right and left and jiggles all around.
"Look at my cats pooz! It swings side to side when she runs!!!"

"Look at my pooz when I bend over! I hangs like an empty bean bag chair!"
by sharemal0933 January 5, 2023
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