53 definitions by rogerthewhale

A skin-like film which forms on the penis after ejaculation, when the semen dries.
John: Dude! Your dick skin is peeling!

Joe: Oh that?!? No that is my sperm derm. I was masturbating in the kitchen an hour ago.

John: Oh. Okay.... Hey this egg flour soup tastes kinda funny.
by rogerthewhale August 18, 2010
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1) A method used by those who submit to urbandictionary. The method involves going to urbandictionary every day to click the thumb up in order to try to gain viewers, because it didn't make the word of the day.

2) Something that will happen to this definition if it does not become word of the day.
Goddammit! My words fart echo, lower angelina, sperm derm, and kesha with a dollar sign did not become word of the day. Now I am never going to be the big-shot urbandictionary submitter. Oh well! I better resort to the Multi-Clicking Method
by rogerthewhale September 10, 2010
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A derivitive of the word poindexter, a poondexter is a geeky male with no friends, but gets a lot of pussy because he will literally fuck anyone, even Sarah Jessica Parker.
Jared: Dude, I totally fucked my girlfriend this weekend. It was AWESOME!


Jared: Ha ha. Jealous much?

John: No! I'm not! I swear to god I thought she was a guy for like, a year! You fuckin manwhore poondexter!
by rogerthewhale November 19, 2010
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A term derived from "bad hair day." A bad pube day occurs when a person has not trimmed his/her pubic hair, and it looks fucked-up and disgusting.

It may also be used metaphorically, and mean that you had a bad sex experience in the morning, and it caused a bad attitude for the rest of the day.
Joe: Dude, whats with your pubes?

John: I didn't have enough time in the morning to trim them.

Joe: That sucks. I hate bad pube days. It looks like Donald Trump down there.

Boss: Alright guys. You've been by the watercooler for too long. Back to work!

Joe: Hey John. Did you send that fax yet.


Joe: What his problem?

Boss: He came too fast this morning and his wife got REALLY pissed. This is probably his most intense bad pube day I have ever seen.
by rogerthewhale October 21, 2010
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A boner that pops during a rush of adrenaline, in a completely non-sexual way.
When we were going up the lift on the roller coaster, my balls started tingling. At the bottom of the first drop, I had a full-on adrenaline boner.
by rogerthewhale May 2, 2013
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When somebody questions another and takes the opposite viewpoint on a particular subject in a way to provoke thinking, they play devils advocate. Asshole's advocate does the same, but makes himself look like a total fucking asshole.
Devils Advocate:
Jim: The government should really crack down on gun owners. With stricter laws, people would be safer from criminals.

Bob: Then what happens if the government takes away guns, and a criminal comes in with a weapon off the black market. What do you do? I'm just playing devil's advocate.

Asshole's Advocate:
Bill: I think I'll leave college a couple years early. I would be happier pursing my passion for art than I would getting my law degree.

Steve: Then what will you do when somebody says to your face that you're a fucking failure and an art bitch who flunked out of school? Then your shitty art goes nowhere and you can't get a job because you're fucking stupid. I'm just playing devil's advocate.

Bill: You're playing asshole's advocate you judgmental piece of crap.
by rogerthewhale December 14, 2012
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A figure of speech used when on hold or waiting for something. This comes from the term blue balls but used in everyday situations not related to sex.
Damn. I've been waiting for that amazon package for a whole week. UPS is blue balling me.

We had a date scheduled since Monday and she flaked out last minute. She is blue balling me heart.

I've been sitting in this plane for the last 2 hours waiting for the captain to start the engines. American Airlines is blue balling me.
by rogerthewhale January 22, 2013
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