459 definitions by rob

An indian/pakistani dude who has terrible English and always gets his ass kicked by his friends.
American dude : Why does that guy have terrible English?
Indian dude: Oh, he must be an izoozi!
by rob June 14, 2006
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He was killed by a heavy lourde.
Hey Homsar!

Yeah, what is it Strong Bad?
by rob September 17, 2003
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A variation of the term Hurt Locker. A Hurt purse is like a mini hurt locker.Hurt purse mitifies a hurt locker. Hurt purse is an easier workout than a hurt locker workout.
Man, that 20 min steady state was only a hurt purse, nothing compared to 4 x 6, now thats a hurt locker
by rob March 6, 2005
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Planet outside of our solar system near the edge of the milky way.
"Welcome to planet Jupatarlai!"
by rob December 24, 2003
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To drive your vehicle at high speed in 360 degree turns.
Joe whipped shitties in da new ride, no girls were impressed.
by rob November 4, 2003
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to enjoy the freedom of underware ,in a free and easy spirt.
by rob June 17, 2003
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1. A male who is close friends with another male.
2. A male who consoles in his male friends when in a time of need.
3. Typically engaging in pewpsechz(not to be confused with actual anal intercourse)
After frank lost his wife, he turned to ted for some manbuddy love
by rob November 25, 2003
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