191 definitions by richard black

Finally, finding the time to accomplish something.
Mary had postponed seeing SAVING RYAN'S PRIVATES because she was not in the mood for a violent movie. But with all of the talk in the office, she finally got a round tuit.
by richard black March 11, 2005
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n. ebonics for children. Also heard as chirren(s), chillun(s), and childring.
Momma, call these chirrens into the house. Dey be too young to be fuckin' right here on the front porch so white foks ken see 'um when dey drives by.
by richard black April 20, 2005
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n. a tilt of the head by one gay to another in a crowd of straight people.
Chance knew from far across the crowded room that Tyler was gay. Chance cocked his head to one side and Tyler responded with a nod of acknowledgement.
by richard black October 19, 2005
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Up until the 1970s, the word pregnant was hardly used. If a female were expecting, she was said to be pg.
Oh, have you heard? Ellen is finally pg at 39?
by richard black March 30, 2005
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In sex the disappearence of the penis into the vaginal cavity and the rupturing the hymen.
Kiersten's examination in the ER showed that the source of her vaginal bleeding was penetration and the puncturing of the back wall of her vagina as the source of the blood. Kiersten spoke of falling on her bicycle handlebar, but the experienced personnel in the ER knew rape when they saw it. Who was the rider of the second bike that was found? Someone said Kiersten had been seen riding with Peter Goesinya.
by richard black March 25, 2005
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n. euphemism for oral, anal sex acts performed by black brothers.
Holla at cha boi and let's do the damned thing instead of just chillin' about it.
by richard black April 20, 2005
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a dildo or object used as a dildo; in the days when there were parlors and girls used to sit and rock and because of Victorian taboos, no boys were allowed, the girls got off by impovised dildos or parlor peters.
Clementine rocked back and forth in the rocker and in and out with her parlor peter, hoping by chance some wayward boy would stop by and take her to paradise.
by richard black March 30, 2005
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