15 definitions by rayjay91

The kid who sits in the front of the class wears glasses and is the stereotypical teacher's pet. He is known to tattle tale on someone for even the slightest thing. They are this way because of their parental upbringing (mostly goodie 2 shoes bible thumpers).finsterwalds are mostly known to go nowhere in social activities and settings. They are usually the known targets of kyles, erics, and jakes who are most likely to get their head dunked in the toilet. They usually go by timothy, Eli, jonah, Simmon, or Christopher.
Guy 1 Dude johns kid Chris is so fucking annoying!!
guy 2 yeah he told eric for a prank the other day that he will likely get a swirly lol!!
guy 1 yeah he told on kyle the other day doing wheelies on his dirtbike
guy 2 yeah he's such a little finsterwald!!!!
by rayjay91 March 22, 2023
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when a toxic person such as a narcissist gets called on their bullshit and gets so angry to were it reminds you of a toxic gas leak to the point were its a toxic spill
guy 1 you know that old guy mark??
guy 2 you mean that toxic old guy?
guy 1 yea i heard his son made him so angry he had a toxic spill
guy 2 yeah hes a real narcissistic man child
by rayjay91 June 12, 2023
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A term coined by an aspien from Virginia were it is a low functioning special ed individual that weighs over 400lbs were if dropped it will contaminate an entire building depending on how many lbs with a form of radiation known as retardation
if exposed to will render any saidsaid individual in the vicinity retarded
guy 1 did you hear that 500lb tard nuke that farted in the special ed class the other day??
guy 2 yeah i got a notification on my phone about a gas leak at school from an unknown origin and i heard the hazmat team had to respond
guy 1 i can imagine the entire school got contaminated with retardation
by rayjay91 June 12, 2023
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A circa 2011 term coined by a 350 lb man who was nosebombed by the winds coming from the asshole of an unmedicated lactose intolerant man after he had drank a triple espresso with half and half with a banana, usually smelling like a sweaty ripe ass that hasn’t been washed in four days Or smells like one of the fat people at Walmart taking a shit in the bathroom or also performing a dry dock at wal mart
Guy 1 dude I was in the crapper the other day and the guy in the next stall and it smelled like wal mart farts
guy 2 we don't have that issue at target must have been some guy after comic con
guy 3 or he must have been one of those ham planets on a scooter
by rayjay91 December 7, 2022
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When yore taking a super hot shower, and the mirrors are foggy or the whole prison/locker room is steamed up and you rip a super nasty ripe fart that your friend/roommate/everyone in the gym stalls or prison showers can smell(this works best with at least one guy or the more the merrier getting caught in the lurid stink wake). smaller rooms are better with more smell/ratio/size/#of people
roommate 1 eric are you done in the shower man I've got a date tonight christophers gf broke up since he's a finsterwald and nows my chance brah
roomate 2 hang on kyle im not feeling so great after attending the chilli conest i gotta ffarrUUGGGHHHH!!!
roomate 2 goddamint eric!! not again with the damn flatusteam!!it smells like sewage!!!
by rayjay91 April 14, 2023
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guy 1 you know a guy named parker??
guy 2 yeah he's that skinny blonde autard stoner that never grew up
guy 1 hmm he must still be in the amoeba stage
guy 2 yeah he obsesses a ton over pot
by rayjay91 February 18, 2023
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A circa 2022 term coined by a 251lb man from California. Often characterized by a man who drives a lifted gas pickup truck sometimes with a flame paint job with skulls and owns 2 dirt bikes or Harleys. Often has tattoos to match sometimes the classic s tattoo. Often heard around town blasting any form of nu metal such as Nickelback slipknot Korn or limp Bizkit. The stereotypical angry white boy often watches monster garage or American chopper or any show on spike tv. The names can be kyle Tyler nash or Justin.
guy 1 Kyle was in the neighborhood last night have you seen his truck he was blasting limp Bizkit last night.
Guy 2 yeah he sounds like the mid 2000s tough guy type.
by rayjay91 December 9, 2022
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