7 definitions by rayjacent

Noun - The use of 3D printing technology in the real world in conjunction with the Metaverse, VR, AR, other alt-reality mediums, and/or AI for the testing, developing, and prototyping of designs, actions, and other usage in those alt realities with translation back into the real world for 3D printing applications.
We will be metaprinting multiple product variations before real-world printing the best results.
by rayjacent August 20, 2023
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Verb - The act or process of creating or producing 3D-printed matter, materials, and products.
Contraction for 3D printing matter.
We will thratter the car parts for you to ease prototyping, costs, and sustainability.
by rayjacent August 20, 2023
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Noun - 3D printed matter, materials, or products. Contraction of the words 3D printed matter.
All the aircraft parts are composed of thratter.
by rayjacent August 20, 2023
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Noun: An individual or organization that practices 3D printing or is active in the 3D printing industry.
(also 3der).
The 3Der will design and print your prototype products for you.

The 3Der industry is surpassing the traditional manufacturing processes.
by rayjacent July 4, 2023
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Noun - A word contraction for a 3D model or 3D printed model.
This is a scale throdel of the building we designed.
by rayjacent August 20, 2023
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Verb meaning of and relating to 3d printing and fabber (digital fabricator) manufacturing.

Etymology: A contraction of the terms 3d printing and fabber. Associated words thrabber, thrabbing, thrabbed, thrabable.
I will be able to design and thrab the product for you.
by rayjacent December 31, 2022
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Verb meaning of and relating to 3d printing and fabber (digital fabricator) manufacturing.

Etymology: A contraction of the terms 3d printing and fabber. Associated words thrabber, thrabbing, thrabbed, thrabable.
I will be able to design and thrab the product for you.
by rayjacent December 31, 2022
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