1 definition by pseudonym1715

There are about five different ways to say this name, so the chances of people saying it right the first time are slim to none. Spelling it can be an issue too. Seanas are generally Irish if they pronounce their name "Shauna" and generally African-American if they pronounce it "Seeanna." Seanas are creative and loud, often wanting their opinion heard by many but still humble when their ideas are accepted. They keep their circle small but they are friends you will have for a lifetime. Seanas would do anything to make someone smile or laugh. Seanas are overall wonderful people, but spell check doesn't even recognize them as thing.
Shay-na? Shee-na? See-an-na? Shau-na? Seen-a?
Wait how do you spell that? Shawna? Shauna? Seanna?

... it's Seana
by pseudonym1715 August 30, 2014
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