3 definitions by pitogyros69

A disease that makes you good at the popular gameTable Soccer”.
Damn, he beat me 5-0, he must have Yajathsons!
by pitogyros69 May 18, 2022
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A genetic disorder causing extreme acute violent expulsions of intestinal gas
Geigersons = Ben
by pitogyros69 May 18, 2022
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A disease related to Parkinson’s Disease but only affecting those who play table soccer. Symptoms include a rapid shaking of the handle in a small range of degrees whenever the opposing side gets a hold of the ball, resulting in the eventual wear and tear of the handles resulting in the need for superglue to fix them. Those affected by Markinsons usually are extremely delusional and think highly of themselves and their capabilities, most of the time overestimating themselves and spinning at least one handle in a rapid manner and doing a medium-speed 360 degree turn going in a sideways direction away from the table itself, while thinking of how good they are for scoring 1 point against someone that put minimal practice effort in after a lot of effort while putting his own full potential in, which is in deed limited. Less common but unique symptoms include sudden bursts of motivation and bragging about how good they are at one subject and how they will put full effort in it, followed by a few days of effort and note taking and then giving up.
(In a casual table soccer game)
Mark: *suffers from markinsons*
Me: Bro, you have Markinsons or something? Why you shaking the handles like that
Mark: It’s a good strat bro, it reflects all shots!
Me: Ugh
Mark: *Markinsons Intensify*
by pitogyros69 May 18, 2022
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