1 definition by parachronistic

Grand Valley State University -- A school with a campus near a lake that makes it so damned cold in the winter you’ll wish you went elsewhere. The high wind and extremely cold temperatures combined with the fact that there is absolutely nothing to do there, makes those winter seasons torture.

The highlight of living in Allendale involves fighting that Lake Effect wind and making one trip to the only grocery store 30 miles away. Those without a car are stuck with one bus that goes around to downtown Grand Rapids a couple of times a day to a cross section Division and Wealthy: Division is a street that cleary was intended to divide the rich and the poor and Wealthy is an old street that is comparative to Detroit’s Cass Avenue. Rotting buildings, corporate abandonment, and there is nothing—absolutely nothing--downtown.

The surrounding culture struggles to keep its community white and clean. Many call themselves the Dutch Reform and believe they are ten times better than what is often called the urban dirt living in the city. Rich Vanandel and Dick Devos are praised again and again by this academic community as their names are part of nearly every department title within the university.
We cannot hire you because you went to Grand Valley State University.
by parachronistic August 18, 2012
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