2 definitions by paper and pantry

The most intelligent/maniacal/deviant one-year-old you will ever see in your life, and clearly the best character on Family Guy. Seth MacFarlane is such a damn genius.
"So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?"

Stewie is a bad-ass muthaf****. Don't mess with the best.
by paper and pantry October 6, 2005
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Harry Potter's supposed "arch-nemesis" in the series by J.K. Rowling. Blond, arrogant, rich and devoted to making all Gryffindors' (particularly Harry and co.) lives hell as often as possible. Usually accompanied by his brute lackeys Crabbe and Goyle. His father Lucius Malfoy is a certified P.I.M.P. with that snake-head cane.

Personally, we think he's dead sexy, but regrettably admit to being biased because of our Tom Felton fanhood. Harry/Draco, bitches.
Draco Malfoy loves to make Harry's situation hard...in all senses of the word.

Paper: Draco Malfoy is one sexy ferret bastard, ain't he?
Pantry: Indubitably.
Paper: Can't wait til "Goblet of Fire" hits theaters.
by paper and pantry October 6, 2005
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