20 definitions by op_position

Someone who creates Brilliant ideas that can be worth Billions

They are often willing to put their reputation and personal resources at risk, to change their own opinions, and to be a positive influence to others in order to cooperatively participate in creating local solutions that serve global interests and provide sustainable social and/or economic value.
Q-Why do you want to change what we've always done?
A-It is my only chance to become a Brillionaire!

Q-Are you sure they will still like us if we do that?
A-Yes/No/Maybe, but we can become Brillionaires!

Q-Aren't we entitled to have equal rights to happiness?
A-No, but you have equal rights to become a Brillionaire!

Q-Looks like you are down to your last dime?
A-Yes, and I'm only one idea away...
from becoming a Brillionaire !!
by op_position March 3, 2010
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parsing words or dithering to keep from making a definitive decision (or not calling something what it actually is - do you remember what "is" is...?).
HE: "Are we at war or not?"

SHE: "I don't know - our incredible leader hasn't made up his mind yet - but he has promised to update us on his kinetic indecision - after the committee meets to discuss it..
by op_position March 26, 2011
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- elected politicians that have LEFT their post and are hiding out across the border instead of representing people in their own state
HE: Have you seen anything of your state representative?

SHE: No, but I heard he is one of the LEFTist Aliens hold up in another state

HE: Did you say "left us.." - what about our collective rights?

SHE: Exactly..!
by op_position February 23, 2011
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If-Asked-Don't-Tell - is a policy position reserved for the formerely-unbiased press of suddenly being "blind-deaf-and dumb" about any recognition of wrongdoing, unethical behavior, or corruption by any noteworthy liberal.

It especially applies to any politician that was ideologically (or even financially) supported by that same news media "opinion machine" - and relates to the "separation of press and state".
Q - "Did you hear about the Democrat Congressman who..?"

A - "Shhhh - we have an If-Asked-Don't-Tell policy and I can't comment on that - and I have a deadline for a Palin expose'.."

(Similar to the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy regarding sexual deviance - except that it applies to a deviation from ethics and good journalism - or both)
by op_position November 7, 2010
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the misplaced mental ascension to unbridled monarch status within the framework of three equal branches of government; the delusion that being elected to the key leadership role in a Republic also confers the unilateral power often assumed by the dictator of a failing democracy
Obamonarchy - placing un-vetted 'Czars' (that are later dismissed for having questionable backgrounds or for making questionable decisions) into positions of regulating issues and circumstances that are not granted to them by any law or other precedent (like salaries of private company executives)
by op_position February 5, 2010
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the intentional misrepresentation (or uncanny delusion) that you are supposedly being transparent
Transparent hypocrisy - like preaching temperance from a bar stool; C-SPAN (seen all those televised proceedings that were promised during the election campaigns?);

- like claiming to be a patriot while giving aid and comfort to the enemy (raising a question about whether the Supreme court decision might somehow eventually allow an imbalance in citizens rights while granting a non-citizen terrorist the full legal rights of a citizen)
- is like worrying about global warming, but not about your globetrotting airplane habit or mansion-sized electric bill
by op_position February 5, 2010
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(opposite of "government intelligence") A coalition of CITIZENS that represent the intelligence that is needed to replace the NON-SENSE that politicians have created with COMMON SENSE that can serve those who are governed.

Since 'unions' are more likely to receive favored benefits from the government now, the CAGI Union is hereby founded to represent the Citizens Against Government Intelligence.

Join CAGI and get back to Common Sense in Government !
"Citizens Intelligence" beats 'government intelligence' every time !

"Hello, I'm a CITIZEN and I'm here to HELP you (the Government).

Join forces and get your rights back - let's all be CAGI !!
by op_position February 27, 2010
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