34 definitions by northendwhitetrash

A term used maliciously by stuck-up, arrogant, ingnorant jerks from the South and West Sides of Springfield, Illinois to describe their stereotyped veiw of residents of the Northend. Generally, the term is not true. The term stems from the fact that the people on the South and West Sides are GENERALY stuck-up, conceded rich bastards and trust-fund babies (or about as close as they can get in Springfield)and they wish to be-little those that don't have as much money as they do. The reasoning (in my opinion) for this name-calling is because the so-called NEWTS don't seem to care that the Southenders and West Siders are more affluent and well-off financially.
The term NEWT is usually meant to be offensive but many North Enders ussually laugh off or ignore the term, some acctully embrace the term.
There is also a term for West Enders: WEB, or West End Bitch/Bastard
by northendwhitetrash January 23, 2007
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the primary mode of transportation for the "special". basically a regular bus, but shorter.
the shorter the bus, the more "special" the riders.
some regular riders can identify their short bus by its smell
by northendwhitetrash November 25, 2007
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Also called akimbo style, the practice of using two weapons simultaneously, one in each hand. The term usually refers to firearms, most commonly pistols (but machine pistols and other weapons can be used).

The practice has its start in the Old West. when cowboys generally carried single-action revolvers. Since these weapons generally had no more than a six round capacity and slow reload times, it was often necessary to carry more than one handgun. However, since most of the handguns were single-action, it was very impractical to dual-wield them. It is more likely that the cowboys used what is called a New York Reload which is to hold one gun in each hand, firing with the strong hand (generally the right) and then, when that gun ran out of ammunition, switching it out with the gun in the weak hand.

Dual-wielding as it is known today first became common in kung fu movies featuring guns, such as those directed by John Woo (called gun fu). The use in films later spread to some action and western films. Today, in addition to action movies and show, it is not uncommon to see akimbo style in video games.
There is a bunch of kids running around today who think dual wield is legitimate technique because of what they have seen in movies like the Matrix series and games like Halo. Dual wield is highly impractical for a variety of reasons. First of all, it makes aiming much more difficult. It is almost much more difficult to handle recoil when you are firing two handguns at one time.
by northendwhitetrash December 16, 2009
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A social event were a group of people all convene at one location and attempt to have a good time. Party activites include (but are not limited to) things such as:
1) Listening to music
2) Consuming drugs and/or alcohol
3) Trying (and often failing) to get laid
4) Dancing*

*Men do not normally dance. However, women (who do normally dance) can change this. A man's girlfriend or wife may "ask" (aka force) him to dance with her and/or her friend(s) (often the ugly one). Some men will also dance in attempt to contact or impress females.

A party can be at a bar, resturaunt, club and often someone's house. There are some specialty parties for events such as birthdays and holidays.
Doug went to a party with his buddies. He got drunk and smoked some pot. Near the end of the party, he did some ecstacy, started dancing and hooked up with some random, but attractive, chick. The next morning, he woke up to find himself is someone else's car spooning a fat chick. He later met back up with his friends and found out that he was the only one that managed to get laid, so that made it worth it (kinda).
by northendwhitetrash April 4, 2009
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The systematic restriction of the rights of Americans granted by the 2nd Amendment in the name of reducing crime. Gun Control is traditionally practiced by liberals but the rising popularity of neo-conservatism is also putting gun control on the agenda for most "conservatives." Gun Control ranges from the simplest of gun registration to an outright ban on a specific type of gun or guns in general. Gun Control is often implimented shortly before a totalitarian leader begins opressing a groups of people (German Holocaust, Stalin's Russia, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Darfur etc).

The fact is that Gun Control does not work. Any time new gun control laws are passed, crime rates go up. Whenever gun control laws are repealed, crime rates go down or stay the same. The simple truth is that if guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns. By definition, criminals (the group that gun control laws seem to attempt to disarm (in addition to the general public)), don't follow the law, thus making the gun control laws ineffective on them.
Never in the history of the United States (and most other countries for that matter) has a gun control policy decreased gun crime, gun injuries and/or gun deaths.
by northendwhitetrash January 21, 2009
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This term is used to describe a show car that travels around in a trailer. There are two general types of trailer queens.

1) A car that, for some reason, can't or shouldn't be driven but is still show worthy. For example, some cars are too old to be safe to drive cross-country so they must be trailered.

2) The most common trailer queen can be driven. The owner is ussually so tied up in the status and appearance of his car that he has forgotten the joy of driving it and now hauls it around in a trailer to avoid dirt. These are often painfully shiny with very expensive, detailed painjobs and excess chrome. The owner will wash and polish every part of the car (even the brake pads) before the car goes in the trailer and then again after he parks it at the show. Extreme trailer queens are often hauled around in trailers that are show-worthy themselves.
We had fun driving our cars to the show but that trailer queen is so tied up in making his car extra shiny that he's gonna be polishing the thing until tommarow.
by northendwhitetrash August 25, 2008
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a web site found on the internet were almost anyone with internet and literacy (not much required) can define whatever the hell they damn well feel like defining. The ultimate use for the 1st amendment
Why the hell are you looking up the definition of ud, you are already here. Then again, why am I even defining ud if there is no real reason to search it on ud?
by northendwhitetrash March 24, 2007
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