40 definitions by nickidewbear

Too short: need elaboration”. Alternative: “TS:NC”—“Too short: need clarification”.
“Pakistan:India is Palestine:Israel.

“ TS:NE (Too short: need elaboration): n other words, Pakistan is occupied India which the British government had no business partitioning—just like it had no business dividing “Mandatory Palestine” when Israel had a millennia-long presence of Jews.”
by nickidewbear October 2, 2021
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How OJ Simpson might say "Ask". On his part, it would be a pun intended... or maybe not.
"Can I ax you a question?" (Pray that OJ Simpson never "ax"s you this.)
by nickidewbear August 20, 2011
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A literal IV drip filled with caffeine. Apparently, a caffeine drip is not a joke.
I myself can't quit caffeine. I was in withdrawal so badly during surgery that I could not hold down even water as much. They literally had to hook me up to a caffeine drip. The drip rate was two hours instead of one hour because the nurse did not want to blow out my vein.
by nickidewbear March 30, 2014
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An Ashkenazic Jewish and Slavic surname, "Czernikowski" (pronounced "T'sh-er-nee-kov-skee") is a name related to "Black" ("Czarny" or "Czarna") or a place name (e.g., "Czarnia" for the Czarna or Czarnia River in Northeastern Poland).
Unfortunately, a number of Holocaust victims bore the name "Czernikowski" (according to YadVashem.org). The Czernikowski family often cited by Yad Vashem seems to come from the Lodz and Kielce, Poland regions (among other places).
by nickidewbear August 19, 2011
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The head caste in Ancient and future Israel, the koheinim (priests) are Levi'im (Levites) who are descended from Aharon ben-Amram-v'Yokheved HaLevi.
"Cohen" is a variant of "Kohein". In turn, "Cohen" has variants such as "Katz" ("Kohan Tzedek", as in Phoebe Katz (Cates) Klein), "Kagan" or "Kajan" (variants of "Kahan" or "Kahane"; as in Associate SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan), "Kohn" and "Kahn" (as in John Kohn (changed to Kerry by his granddad, Fritz Kohn)), and "Cohan" (a variant of "Kohein" not to be confused with the variant for the Irish "Keohane", though that may have some, if any, origins among koheinim based in Ireland).
by nickidewbear August 19, 2011
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