10 definitions by negutits

Speculative prediction market contract that allows people to place bets on which celebrity or politician is going to turn out to be accused or convicted of being a pedo in the news within the next business quarter. A pedofuture is a specialized variant of molestofuture, which itself includes any allegation of sexual abuse
I'm putting 100 bucks in Stephen Colbert pedofutures after that stunt with Henry Kissinger at the end of his last show
by negutits November 26, 2017
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A loyalist left-hand path hench, mobster, or hitman that uses underhanded tactics from the shadows, such as double-garroting or poisons or occultism of some kind.
Brett Bajara is one of Kissenger's loyola; always available at a moment's notice to jump on a private jet and fly halfway around the world to fix any problem.
by negutits November 19, 2017
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Purposefully confabulated information intended to cause harm. Synonymous with black propaganda. Distinct from misinformation which is accidental, and disinformation which could potentially be used in a protective way, malinformation is always used to harm any and all recipients.
Fusion GPS' Russian Prostitute Urolagnia Dossier was malinformation that had ultimately harmed America, regardless of one's political alignment.
by negutits December 5, 2017
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Containing shit throughout; having no part that is not shit; composed strictly of tightly-bound shitecules into a matrix indistinguishable from shit.
by negutits June 23, 2014
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Titty-to-pretty ratio (TPR) is a subjective measure of a female's overall physical attractiveness, weighted positively by the mass of titties. It is determined by the ratio of sweatermeat relative to facial attractiveness. A TPR of 10:10 is a perfect female, whereas a 0:10 is a perfect flat-chested female and a 10:0 is a ridiculously endowed butter face. A TPR threshold is a ratio of personal preference below which titty cannot exceed pretty for the purposes of copulation.
I'm temporarily lowering my Titty-to-pretty ratio threshold to 5-5 because we're in Iceland and here a 10 is a 5.
by negutits June 24, 2014
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Someone who advocates or becomes transgender because it's popular, cool, political, competitive, lets them act up with impunity in classrooms and institutions and not get beat up by police.
Jordan's mom is ganstrender now, and that explains all the pink in Josh's bedroom

Yeah he left the club after his last gig weeks ago with that freemason manager dude, said he was gonna go ganstrender and become famous.
by negutits December 3, 2017
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Virtue-signaling to promote feminism or provoking gender warfare on the side of feminism, typically by slamming masculinity or the male gender.
Obama joins Tavistock social engineers in Femmebaiting, with the latest tp article, "We need to elect more women because ‘men seem to be having problems’"
by negutits December 5, 2017
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