3 definitions by mninmninmninmninmninmninmninmn

The best friend you could ever meet. A penelope is reserved at times but if your lucky enough to be one of the few that gets close to her don't brake her trust because it's something hard to gain, but worth it.
Person #1: penelope seems cool but she doesn't seem to have many friends

Person #2: ya ig but she doesn't need many... as one of her close friends Ik she's all I need, and makes me feel the same way
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Izzy is a great friend to have fun with, but if your looking for a life long friendship find someone else because an izzy isn't in it for the long run. Despite this an izzy is an amazing friend to be around well she's still interested in being your friend. Watch out if you get bored of her thought, she won't attack you visiously, but she will fill you with a guilt and irritation you cannot match.
Friend: omg izzy is such an amazing best friend!
Old friend: wait till she gets board...
Friend: what?
Old friend: just Ienjoy it while you can
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A smart, artistic, creative, athletic person that is good at everything and knows it. An isaac can be very cocky at times, but is there for you when you really need it... even if he may be unaware of others at times and just says what's on his mind without a second though.
Person #1: Isaac's such a jerk!
Person #2: just give him time, he's a really great friend once you get to know him.
Person #1: really? Cause he insults me a lot and it hurts my feelings...
Person #2: yeah... that never goes away, you just gotta get used to it
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