4 definitions by mikemuzzin

when someone gets completely demolished in something, generally, but not always, a sporting event.
Mom: go do your chores stevie
Steve: why dont you stop worrying about me and worry about the blood in your urine (steve then precedes to punch his mom and the kidneys
Mom: (rolls around the ground in agony)
by mikemuzzin June 25, 2007
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Fuck Off; generally used when a lesser being (nerd) questions your authority over them
loser: hey that's my jelly doughnut
cool person: FOFF
by mikemuzzin June 25, 2007
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the act of masturbating someone of the same sex while sticking you finger in their asshole...The person must either be asleep or passed out drunk (also if they shit while your doing it they must pay you 1,000 dollars)
Joe passed out after 18 beers so steve thought it would be real funny to jib him....turns out it was just really gay
by mikemuzzin June 25, 2007
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phrase used when you get ripped off; used when you get injured in a gay manner
friend1: dude that guy at dunkin donuts gave us 2 instead of 6
friend2: wow we got niggerd

Steve was walking in the woods when a tree fell on him; you could say he got niggerd
by mikemuzzin June 25, 2007
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