103 definitions by mike hunt

Man.. i can't believe that beast looked at me.
by mike hunt November 11, 2003
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Also in some South American indian tribes it Stek is also known as the lips of a womens vagina that has elephantitis of the vagina.
Wow, Alexs mother has stek lips.
You stupid stek!
by mike hunt March 2, 2005
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CHAV - simple as, nothing else needs to be said, end of, full stop.
"look at the geezer with his nike shox and his trakkie bottoms tucked into his socks, what a wees"

(only joking wees)
by mike hunt December 16, 2004
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1: crotch-like; especially in action, speech, or thought
2: being a self-centered asshole
that guy sure is crotchy today. what a jerk.
by mike hunt January 6, 2004
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