4 definitions by merlin_the_wizard

short for beautiful. if someone calls you a beaut you should feel honoured.
what a beaut
by merlin_the_wizard July 7, 2020
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the person who wrote this is sorry so just forgive them and don't make a big deal out of it, cheers.
jess: why would you do that?
ollie: sorry
jess: its okay
by merlin_the_wizard July 7, 2020
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if someone sends you this with streaks then they are saying they can't snap back to you.
Josh: streaks ,csb
Emma: ah shoot I wanted to speak to you
by merlin_the_wizard July 9, 2020
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The person who wrote this wants the conversation to end as quickly as possible.
Marie: Can I talk to you?
Jack: k.
Marie: Look I'm really sorry.
Jack: k.
by merlin_the_wizard July 3, 2020
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