4 definitions by marshmink

no victory.
said by a player in a game after they come back from being afk, seeing they lost. directed to the people who defeated them, saying they didn't win against them due to them being afk.
by marshmink May 30, 2020
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Acronym: "Go Google it I guess"
Used for when giving up on advice, so you just send them to Google
Similar to ggrks except used AFTER trying to answer a question rather than before.
Person A: my monitor resolution is making windows tiny
Person B: have u tried X, Y and Z?
Person A: yeah and none of them worked
Person B: ggiig
by marshmink February 11, 2021
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1) acronym; "Glad You Liked It" or "Glad You Like It."
p1: Oh my gosh, I love your drawing you just posted!!
p2: gyli!!
by marshmink December 5, 2019
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1. to take a really long shower
2. to let your body temperature adjust submerged in water
1. I accidentally took too long and ended up marinating this morning.

2. I'm just gonna marinate for a minute.
by marshmink June 4, 2020
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