39 definitions by maninboulder

Voter suppression policies undertaken by racist elected representatives which go way beyond Jim Crow policies.
Don't be talking to me about conservatives taking care of us non-whites. Their voter suppression policies are are beyond Jim Crow....they are are Jim Eagle!
by maninboulder March 26, 2021
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The act of turning off the ringer on your phone and telling the your family, friends and employer that you are out of town (even though you are not), just to get some peace and quiet, and freedom from hassle.
John asks, "What the hell happen to Farquar, I have not heard from him in over a week?" Julie, replies, "He said he was leaving town on a camping trip, but I think he is still in town and is just Gone Stealth."
by maninboulder August 11, 2010
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Self-pleasuring or masturbating. Also known as 'beating the bishop.' The term is believed to have origins in the Catholic seminary, but could have originated in the Vatican.
I am hornier than a three-peckered toad....if I don't get layed pretty soon, you are going to find me 'flogging the pope'
by maninboulder September 30, 2005
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The act by the head of a criminal organization in abandoning co-conspirators to fend for themselves in RICO criminal proceedings.
Diaper Don has once again shown he cares only for himself, by Cutting the Chesebro, and abandoning his co-conspirators.
by maninboulder August 25, 2023
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Another name man's penis, using a musical metaphor.
Referring to a sexy woman, "I'd let her play a tune of my reproductive organ any day."
by maninboulder October 5, 2005
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The statiscal probability of having sex in a given situaltion.
Attending Reed College will increase my propensity to get laid, while attending The Citadel will decrease said propenisty.
by maninboulder August 1, 2009
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Ungratefulness. Forgetting who bought you to power, and then shoving it up your constituents’ asses.
What kind of thanks is that. We help you out, and you turn around give us a Kyrsten Enema.
by maninboulder January 25, 2022
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