52 definitions by major_delmac

newly defined as a refined white lady who is attracted to men of family status regardless of race.

scarlett o'hara, contrary to popular belief, was NOT a true southern belle because she gave her first husband a handjob to get the money to save her house and her second husband was the biggest whorecollector in town. this smacks of prostitution. many southern women believe they are southern belles but are actually just fat wiccans.
southern belles don't have to let black guys in through the back door anymore.

the woman at the End of Gone with the wind never admitted defeat and was alone when the credits rolled. The End.
by major_delmac March 4, 2005
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To be in "the zone". To perform with supreme flair and confidence.
"The kid is in rare form tonight."

-Billy in "Purple Rain"
by major_delmac March 31, 2005
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A seriously athletic/buxom blonde chick with big glute muscles and fake tits with nips out to here. women of this type are usually attracted to black men (thus the hottentot aspect) who know how to control her, regardless of his physicality or general disposition toward her.
Amy Fadhli is a hottentot blonde past her prime.
by major_delmac April 4, 2005
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a woman who is good at stealing men already spoken for. a woman who may or may not be in the process of luring a man into an affair.
Rebecca thought that Jillian's repeated requests to "share audio files" with her fiancee Tyrone was something that only a very skilled usurper would think to do.
by major_delmac March 10, 2005
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A call girl who is in search of a pimp for guidance, understanding and the possibilty of world travel and adventure in her off time.
I used to be a $300 an hour call girl, but I ended up marrying my PIMP. I was never a street walking prostitute.
by major_delmac March 1, 2005
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a woman who is either currently having a romantic liason with a black man of low to mid social status, or considering it quietly.

see also: blonde
That rich blonde in the new Volvo is a Digger of crazy black Niggers.
by major_delmac March 31, 2005
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when a womans ankles are grabbed during sex. can be done by either party.
fuck and get up is how i do them stank hoes. - Ice Cube
by major_delmac March 4, 2005
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