17 definitions by lift-ticket

A woman with tits as big as her head.
She looks like she as three heads because of her huge head-sized hooters.

Damn, that chick has some humongus titties, she's a fuckin' three-headed monster. (3 headed monster)
by lift-ticket July 29, 2006
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to label something funky or fucked up with a little extra pizzazz.
Oh no, Steve banged your mom & sister . . . at the same time!?!?!?
That is funky cold medina brother.
by lift-ticket July 31, 2006
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1.Another word for weed (usually good weed)
2.When something is awesome or cool.

1. Damn, Jimmy got some cheeba buds from his uncle last week . . . we got so high off just one doobie.

2. Dude #1 - Man I met three hot little ladies at the QT on my way here & they said they're coming by.
Dude #2 - Cheeba
by lift-ticket September 1, 2007
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When someone is stating something blatantly obvious just to be a dick.
. . . driving around forever trying to get out of the parking garage when suddenly all four passengers notice the large EXIT sign.
Steve: Hey, I think it's right up there under the "EXIT" sign.
Joe: No shit, Steve. Don't be such an obviass.
by lift-ticket November 15, 2008
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to make something appear better or nicer than it actually is.

Don't try to church it up man, it's a piece of shit.
by lift-ticket July 30, 2006
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large hanging pussy lips.

when the lips of the pussy visibly sway from wind or subtle body movement & are usually easily visible from the rear end.

clippers are usually discolored & very loose from being worn out or well-aged, or both.
As she was changing the light bulb, her clippers dangled tween her thighs . . . "Put some panties on Heather, Please!!", I exclaimed in arousal & disqust.
by lift-ticket July 29, 2006
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1. Acronym for Cheap Hair Spray.
2. Term used to describe a skank.
3. The "cheap hair spray odor" is unmistakable & used to describe skanky or slutty women w/o them knowing what you are saying . . . until now.
After "catching a whiff" of the C.H.S., Tony quickly changed his mind about asking Amy for a dance.
by lift-ticket July 29, 2006
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