18 definitions by laserswordofdeath +3

A strict non-eating plan based around the fact that you are broke, and losing weight as a result
Wow! Being underpaid sure has its benefits! I have lost six pounds this month due to the Poverty Weight Loss Plan! And the good news is, looking at my bank account, I can carry on until next payday!
by laserswordofdeath +3 September 8, 2016
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An orgy in space, or to be more exact, any zero gravity area. Very common amongst visitors of the International Space Station
We flew up there on the shuttle and joined a week-long Zero or-G on the ISS. Those Russians sure know what makes an astronaut tick!
by laserswordofdeath +3 February 26, 2016
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Similar to a Joseph's Cuckold, the Yahweh Three Way is when the Christian deity decides to let his son be born through a woman on earth - a woman in a relationship where there are now three parties involved. Seen as either the cornerstone of Christianity, or blatant bullshit
I was shocked to find out my wife has been engaging in a Yahweh Three Way, without my knowledge. Some folks have been laughing behind my back, but it's okay... at least I will be the father of a demigod
by laserswordofdeath +3 September 8, 2016
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An emojinal breakdown occurs when a participant in a conversation uses an emoji totally unsuited or inappropriate to the discussion at hand. Usually would involve contrasting emotions and makes the author of the message appear like a total dick.
Dude 1: holy crap did you hear about the massacre at the school last week? 14 people dead! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Dude 2: Dude seriously what the fuck?! You are LAUGHING about that?

Dude 1: Oh uhm. Was supposed to be the sad emoji. Sorry man. Was having an emojinal breakdown
by laserswordofdeath +3 November 4, 2017
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When a house guest leaves you a turd in the toilet bowl without flushing
I like having Jill over at my place, she may be the one. But today she left me a stinky raccoon for the second time this week and this gives me doubts over our relationship
by laserswordofdeath +3 September 8, 2016
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After giving natural birth to twins, Jenny's husband became a regular rug puncher
by laserswordofdeath +3 September 8, 2016
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When you have to take a shit in an unflushed toilet, thereby layering the shit. Leads to a truffle effect
Check out the third toilet stall on the left! It doesn't flush anymore, so we got a good poo truffle going. Has to be six inches deep, at least!
by laserswordofdeath +3 September 8, 2016
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