12 definitions by lalalala

Wife: "Let's have a kid!"

Husband: "Hell no! Let's just have sex!"
by lalalala July 12, 2004
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Federal bureau of investigation: basically people of strong power who like to screw this country over and all the people in it, in coralation with the president (a.k.a. george bush)
"hey look, its some dude from the F.B.I!"
by lalalala October 23, 2003
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a short person, under 4 foot 10 inches, prefer being called a dwarf,(not that we care), like to kick butts,very annoying
all the little midgets around the world are gathering to figure out how to kick butts the easiest- watch out world- here come the midgets!!!!!!!!
by lalalala May 7, 2005
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Die, or have condition become suddenly worse, on verge of death.
"medical staff is standing by incase he decides to flip his cot"
by lalalala November 3, 2014
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