414 definitions by kyle

Damn dude, that is doshinable.
by kyle April 25, 2003
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to go to a party and get very drunk.
we gon get crunk in the bia tonight bitches!
by kyle November 29, 2004
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This is used when describing a fat, greasy person, usually a woman, who wears tight clothing, alot of makeup, has a mullet, or is just gross looking.
by kyle September 22, 2004
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1: <baseball> one that pinch-hits
2: <relationship> a penetration device (usually vibrates) used by the male on the female when Viagra just can't quite get the job done.
"Their only chance of hitting a homerun is to bring in their pinch-hitter."

"His only chance of hitting a homerun is to bring in his pinch-hitter."
by kyle January 16, 2004
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Quite possibly the most overhyped and dumbest indie film of 2004.
You want better indies of 2004? Try "Garden State" or "Sideways."
by kyle February 13, 2005
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A awsome movie that everyone needs to watch. Napolean dynamite makes a new bf his name is pedro. Napolean likes his bike the sledgehammer.
Hey napolean what are you gonna do today...... What ever i want... GOSH!
by kyle January 24, 2005
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