6 definitions by katieemw95

An autistic extrovert. Auxtroverts are extremely rare, but have a noticeable presence. They often are very opinionated, and speak with no filter. An auxtrovert may pass as an obnoxious neurotypical.
Person 1: If she's autistic, why does she keep going up to everyone at this party and introducing herself?

Person 2: She's an auxtrovert.
by katieemw95 April 28, 2023
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When 2 or more goofy pets pile up on you.
I sat down in my armchair, and before I knew it, my cats and pug were on top of me. I was in a mad animal pile
by katieemw95 March 30, 2020
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The ability of autistic people to spot other autistic people, even when those people don't know they are autistic.
Person 1: "Oh yeah, they're definitely autistic."
Person 2: "Did they tell you?"
Person 1: "Nah, they set off my autdar."
by katieemw95 April 26, 2023
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When someone probes you with personality questions and other awkward "getting to know you dialogue". If one is socially raped enough, it may ultimately lead to friend rape.
Lily: Did you see Meg asking Tom all those questions? He looked really uncomfortable.

Angie: Yeah, that was social rape!
by katieemw95 October 23, 2009
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Someone who has never been in a romantic relationship, kissed, or anything beyond that.
Ann: You should know, he's never kissed a girl, or even had a girlfriend.

Katherine: So he's a supervirgin?
Ann: Haha, YES!
by katieemw95 November 3, 2009
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The existential crisis one has when they think they may be autistic.
Person 1: Is Harvey okay? He's been infodumping a lot about autism lately.

Person 2: He'll be fine, he's just having an autistential crisis.
by katieemw95 April 29, 2023
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