85 definitions by jsd9632

The feeling that overcomes you when you know
the action you are about to undertake will have
severe repercussions at a later date.

Hoping to postpone the consequences of a
stupid act to a later date when you have had time
to reflect on it.
I know my wife will blow a gasket, and there will be
a high price to pay in future regret, but I'm going
to buy that Jeep!
by jsd9632 December 28, 2011
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An old man who is well past the age when any woman
would have sex with him but still acts like a young stud in a
strip club.
A fat guy who is too obese to have sex but pays young naked strippers to rub themselves all over his immense belly.
A loser with no friends who's only interaction with other
humans is the dancers at the neighborhood club.
Sally:" Did you see Grandpa? He's all dressed up!"
Bob: " He's going to the strip club to throw our inheritence
at the dancers, he's become such a stripper dog since Grandma
by jsd9632 January 7, 2012
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A name used to make fun of a male that has a very small penis.
A term used by girls to describe a male they attempted to have sex with.
An unfortunate name for a son of a man named Richard.
Justin Bieber's member.
Sally: "How was your date with the hot guy from accounting?"
Suzie: "You mean little dick? It was a disaster! He is hung like Justin Bieber! I sent him home crying!"
by jsd9632 November 2, 2012
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When someone's behind is so large that it would require a seperate conveyance to carry it around.
An electric cart available at Wal Mart or other large retail outlets for obese pigs to carry their wide load butts around the store.
"Junior! Run into the store and go get your mama an ass taxi,
while I find a handicap spot."
by jsd9632 January 6, 2012
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Someone too stupid to tell what's real and what's not.
Someone who believes everything is factual that they see on reality TV shows.
Someone who believes what they see on History Channel is fake and E! is real.
A person of low intelligence who lives in a fantasy world.
My reality retard sister can't get enough of the reality shows.
by jsd9632 February 3, 2012
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A very cute chick with a very hot body.
A Disney Star.
Justin Bieber's pretend "paid for slut" girlfriend.
Justin Bieber's dad quit paying Selena Gomez to be Justin's
pretend girlfriend so she dumped him.
by jsd9632 January 11, 2012
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A phrase used by parents, bosses, supervisor or any person in a position of authority to all the stupid "what if" questions that are raised in a given situation.
Mom: "Put your toys away we are going to Grandma's."
Kid: "What I don't want to go?"
Mom: "We are going to Grandma's even if I have to drag you there."
by jsd9632 February 6, 2012
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