30 definitions by js

Scottsdale, Arizona. Even though it is just a dry, hot and dusty place with no natural resources, people there are often snobbish and think it is a very prestigious place to live because it has a lot of man-made features like golf courses and it is more expensive than other places in Arizona.
Those girls we met in Scottsdale were superficial bitches.
by js January 17, 2004
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Bush was reelected! ghmoua!
by js January 2, 2005
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A very talented young woman singer/guitar player. Her first album out is Flutterby.
Check it out on amazon.com, especially 'Life is Short' and track #4 (sorry, can't remember the title now)
by js March 15, 2004
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internet acronym meaning "panicking in front of computer"
Am pifoc trying to get this paper done by Friday.
by js March 1, 2005
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An, unrealistic, vain, and self-important person pursuing a career where he or she has a more than a 99.9999% chance of failure and less than a .0001% chance of getting rich and famous. Most often simply employed as a server at a restaurant.
Joe-Bob moved to LA to follow his dream of being an actor.
by js January 17, 2004
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