8 definitions by jimmy 5

A poker genius who passes a resemblance to AJ Rimmer and is allergic to washing up.
His one fault is the incapability to grasp the concept of prime numbers.
AKA Primus
12.01am: 'There's someone at the door for Mahoney Bitch!'
by jimmy 5 May 13, 2004
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An extremely bad roulette player who releives his sorrows by knobbing his boss.
'Where's Pigeon John?'
'Working late, AGAIN!'
by jimmy 5 May 13, 2004
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A person who claims to be English, humoured by rest of the country, but every one knows they are actually welsh!
As boring as a Brummie
by jimmy 5 May 7, 2004
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Like a werewolf under a full moon, a person with Busi hands will change on a saturday night.
After 6 pintsa bitta they will lose control of there hands, which will crave the flesh of fit birds (sometimes blokes).
If you ever come across a person with this condition, keep your girlfriend away and make sure to keep her anus protected!
Sometimes linked with the jaws syndrome
Curse my Busi Hands!!

I just put me thumb up her bum, no harm done!
by jimmy 5 May 13, 2004
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Is that Rowland eatin a salad? Godboy!
Godboy, Quade pulled!
by jimmy 5 May 7, 2004
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An eating machine. Will eat anything and everything, resulting in the copying of the eating habits of people close by.
Known to have some psychic ability. Is able to predict what people are going to have for dinner, allowing him to make a pre-emptive copycat meal.
WARNING: Often found stark naked apart from a strategically placed clock!
Hey Eberos, I was gonna have a meatshake tonight!

Eberos, I don't want you to show me the time on your cock clock!
by jimmy 5 May 13, 2004
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The uncontrollable desire to bite peoples ears uppon hearing the theme music to the famous film.
Arrgh! Get him away! Busi's got the jaws syndrome!
by jimmy 5 May 13, 2004
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