18 definitions by jew

breeding ground for overweight teenage girls to live out their fantasies of being a band-aid since girls cant be musicians, even though just looking at them is enough to give you a black eye, an anuerism, and chrones disease.
the first cd im going to listen to as an adult in my uptown apartment is going to be Fox Trotsky.
by jew July 30, 2004
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A overgrown 13 year old that dosn't know when to shut up. He's jewish but says he's polish
I can't believe that darek when to his barmitsfa so late
by jew April 23, 2004
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underground rapper who wants to be jus like his hero 50 cent
25 cent BITCH! aka 2 dimes and a nickel
by jew March 25, 2003
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To just hang out and bull shit about random stuff.
Paul:Hey man you wanna go to the mall
Mike:Nah man, let's just go skate and shoot the shit.
by jew March 29, 2004
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i think saddam is in Hell for the Ungodly things he did.
by jew May 10, 2003
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