125 definitions by jB

The 3rd (pre-adolescent) stage of development in the life cycle of the cucuy. A winged, hummingbird-sized alien being found exclusively in the forests of central New Mexico, USA. The cucuybird feeds on insects as it gains strength before growing into the chupacabra, or adolescent-phase cucuy. When feeding, the cucuybird emits a high-pitched chirping sound much similar to sky-cars on the popular 80's children's cartoon, "The Jetsons". (see also: cucuy, cucuywaterscorpion baby, cucuywaterscorpion, chupacabra)
Hey, look! Theres a cucuybird. That thing's gonna be pretty scary in a few months.
by jB April 12, 2005
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"going to" or "about to"
"I'm gone holla at ya later, patna."
by jB January 26, 2005
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1. N. - A band too gay for elton john to endorse.

2. N. -
any band constisting of:
1. a homosexual bible thumper
2. a Angry Gay dude with the abilty to drop his balls as he sings
3. a phedophic junkie Bass player with a abnormally small penis
4. a Drummer with a unstatible urge for dip and a face bright enough to flash down a airliner
"Oh shit, they're so horrible..."
"yeah, a real STRATIS"
by jB February 17, 2005
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A poor man's Las Vegas, with a beach and boardwalk.
A: Atlantic City is the sh*t, man!
B: I'd definitely use "sh*t" and Atlantic City in the same sentence.
by jB April 28, 2004
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Mini-Me looking peruvian that shows his penis for alcohol, food, or anal pleasure.
Los Dawg really loves to show the women his schvartza schlange
by jB March 13, 2003
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lvt means "leuk voor thuis", nice to take with you.
When you burglar a house and see something you like, you say: LVT
by jB June 14, 2004
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"Everytime you masturbate, a ninja chops the head off a kitten."
by jB November 25, 2003
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