69 definitions by iwannabeanalcoholic

a man who gets more ass then a toilet seat
Ron Jeremy:I get more ass then a toilet seat!
by iwannabeanalcoholic August 27, 2004
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Cheap,affordable, yet not as strong as weed.You can smoke this stuff. it won't get you high though.it will only relax you and make you want to sleep.
me and my friend smoked some Catnip in his room and then listened to Nine Inch Nails.
by iwannabeanalcoholic August 27, 2004
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A show who's host must be on some kind of mind altering substance. Sneaks up behind animals and wrestles them down. He has a very thick austrailian accent. Is not famous for using common sense.
Doctor: Steve, what happened?

Steve Irwin: Well, I was staring a spitting cobra in the face. And get this, The little bugger spit a huge glob of venom in my eye!
by iwannabeanalcoholic March 9, 2005
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a free catalog in which EVERYONE had to have in sixth grade in order to be cool.You would look at this catalog. wishing you had all this expensive crap.and then realised you coulden't skate.
"those shoes look pretty pimp,but i just realised..I can't even Ollie"
by iwannabeanalcoholic August 29, 2004
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When one's balls is so hairy that it looks like a tarantuala is clinging to them with all its might. Then you can literally fool any tarantuala into making love with you're hairy tarantuala ball sack.
As the girl was about to fellate me. She saw my balls and walked out of my apartment in a fit of laughter, muttering something about "Mating season".
by iwannabeanalcoholic April 2, 2005
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i word spoken during the song "King(s?) of the road", a Piebald song. Also a special attack of the leadsinger, Travis Shettel, in emogame.com.
Hey man!
did ya see my Van?
it was Vantastic!
by iwannabeanalcoholic August 27, 2004
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