14 definitions by it is not your business

k#y accused his co-worker as being sinister and bitesome as a cobra? he is just smearing his co-worker!
by it is not your business July 23, 2019
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a person who wants to be someone they cannot be
A: k#y accused his co-worker of being as sinister and bitesome as a cobra.
B: that k#y is just a fucking wannabe who is jelly to his co-worker.
by it is not your business July 24, 2019
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someone who can't accept their own failure
k#y accused his co-worker as being sinister and bitesome as a cobra? he is just a fucking jelly loser.
by it is not your business July 23, 2019
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one that attacks or speaks ill of someone else.
A: k1234567890y is talented, look at the amount of works he has done.
B: but k1234567890y is also a kinda bully, he once went off on his co-worker and made ridiculous and false accusations of that co-worker such as that co-worker is "sinister and bitesome as a cobra"
by it is not your business July 27, 2019
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an incurably shitty person
k#y accused his co-worker as being sinister and bitesome as a cobra? what a fucking cunt he is!
by it is not your business July 24, 2019
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k1234567890y accused his co-worker of being sinister and bitesome as a cobra and kept talking shits about him out of nothing? what a fucking douchebag k1234567890y is!
by it is not your business July 27, 2019
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a person whose brain is made of shits
mr K-Y is a shithead, he tried to accuse his co-worker of using subtle moves and also compared his co-worker to a sinister and bitesome cobra, but they are all nothing but fucking lies.
by it is not your business July 6, 2019
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