15 definitions by ihatelifemorethanyou

What happened when the squirrel got overly lustful and fucked a rat repeatedly.
Science Teacher: So, as we all know, the hamster was brought into existence shortly after the squirrel and rat were introduced. I want you to write a 10 page essay on the behaviors of these animals during mating.
by ihatelifemorethanyou September 17, 2009
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What happens when your cells stop having sex.
Cell: Oh noes! I can't reproduce.

Captain Obvious to the rescue!!!

Captain Obvious: YOU ARE DEAD!
by ihatelifemorethanyou January 10, 2010
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An irritable little bitch that decides to randomly flip out over little things. They would say almost anything to get attention including random shit that haven't even crossed their non-existent hallow head before, including random capitalized letter like "NWEKLRHWL:ERJWERWER" with the "ZOMGS" and the oh-so-cunning spellings of "WONNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?"

Note: It is impossible to shut them up.
I thought I had a good friend, turned out she was just a pmsing attention whore.
by ihatelifemorethanyou January 12, 2010
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Teacher: So Tommy how do you finished this problem?

Tommy: I subtract 10, then divide by zer-

Teacher: Oh no u dint

*Tommy gets a Falcon Punch to the face...
by ihatelifemorethanyou December 18, 2009
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A weird and rare group of people that hate themselves for being weak and train on the hatred built towards their enemies. They don't trust or rely anyone except themselves.

They are characterized by 3 adjectives:
I'm narcissistemo. Why? Because I hate my enemies and believe everyone's a backstabbing dick.
by ihatelifemorethanyou November 3, 2009
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When people do stupid things in a desperate, pathetic attempt to impress someone.
Jane: Omg Jon, I can't believe you stole the answers to that test and gave it to me! I feel so degraded now!

John: I did it outta love :(
by ihatelifemorethanyou November 10, 2009
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