2 definitions by idontknowyouandyoudontknowme

BTSD is a disease caused by listening to BTS and over obsessing with them gay boys. It can also be caused by wearing camouflage pants meaning you're in the army of BTS.
That person has a T-shirt saying "STOP SPREADING BTSD!"
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Hilary is a girl who is quiet. When you actually get to know her she's very loud and could be your best friend. She is the best friend ever ok. Just don't get on her bad side or else you'll get your ass kicked by her. Also, she's very um not lazy like me and does her homework before me and I always do it the day before it's due. *COUGH* she likes to play games and her best of best friends is ME AMY!!!! ok bye.
Hilary is that bitch you would want to be friends with.
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