4 definitions by hahh?

pseudo-violently high-powered action performed abruptly.
With one big wallop, the Gremlin's hairy bicep powered a fling that sent the record-breaking pumpkin onto it's endoatmospheric trajectory across the province.
by hahh? November 18, 2003
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pseudo-violently high-powered action performed abruptly.
1 The Gremlin swung the Blue Whale into the Cast-Iron Bozo's face with such a wallop that CSB's bright crimson nose popped out from the back of CSB's noggin and plopped to the pavement.

2 Using the strength of just one hairy bicep, the Gremlin walloped the Record-Breaking Pumpkin, batting it onto its endoatmospheric trajectory across the province.
by hahh? November 18, 2003
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huge glugging swallow performed in one big wallop
Mouth open, she feel into the quicksand and consumed the whole swamp in one big swallog
by hahh? November 16, 2003
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gotta correct my preceding misspelt 'pronunciation' - tsk, tsk. 'gnotty mi.' swat, swat.
Because of his long-time sweet-tooth, he had no teeth. So he disappeared the whole quart of molasses in a single swallog without chewing.
by hahh? November 16, 2003
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