17 definitions by guyfawkes74

Is usually the leftovers found in ones underware, or panties, which is usually and most entirely made-up of dried shit and ass hair from one's butt checks. This every common side-effect that is found in one's underware or panties as the direct result of having had taken a shit in the begining of one's day and is waiting to be revealed at the end of the day!
Sally noticed in the bathroom, after having worked a 12-hour day that she had some anal debris in her panties!
by guyfawkes74 December 15, 2009
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Airline industry lingo for Irregular Operations, which can be easy translated into your ass is going to be staying late!
Dick was thinking that he was only going to be working a 8 hour day until his boss IROP-ed his ass!
by guyfawkes74 December 30, 2010
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Airline Industry lingo for the last in bound flight of the day at a airport!
Jeff had to stay late order to work the in comming Terminating-Flight!
by guyfawkes74 December 30, 2010
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