3 definitions by gabriela

(noun) having the characteristics of being cat like or flirtacious...the oppostite of non fun

(person) gabi or caroline
That girl was just so catly mcwhiskers today; did you see her scadelous skirt?
by gabriela December 28, 2005
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when a person is kind of shady, they are sketchy. when you are not sure what a person means by something, that is sketchy too.
It was sketchy when bobby lobby showed up in random places all over the ship, giving people the impression that he was stalking them. gabriela also showed a lot of sketchyness when she said that her skirt made her feel loose.
by gabriela August 1, 2004
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what people are when they are espescially sneaky, fetch, sketchy, or have a cunning wit.
Erica, Molly, and Gabriela were very crafty in their sprinting "energy" escape plans from the iceberg.
by gabriela August 1, 2004
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