10 definitions by fraser

A Girl that you would fuck, and only tell a few people, usually best friends.
Guy 1: Ya, I'd do her, but I prolly wouldn't tell anyone.
Guy 2: Naw, She's a Vespa Platinum, I'd tell a few people.
by fraser December 3, 2004
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1) A vehicle that you will drive, but tell no one that you do

2) Someone that you would fuck, but not tell anyone you did
1) I don't drive a Vespa!

2) Sure, I'll fuck you, you damn Vespa
by fraser November 14, 2004
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1) A nice, quick handjob, given for the sole satisfaction of the male, the main goal being to snap one off quickly before leaving and not calling the girl back.

2) Used as part of a rugby cheer. The definition is the same as above, and is used in combination to form a rugby cheer of unheard of proportions
1) Man, I got my beansnapped by Shantzy's sister last night, it was intense!!

by fraser March 18, 2008
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