35 definitions by fox

1. A wrinkle that occurs on a girl's nipple, and should be avioded. Run if you see one, they are signs of necrophilia
1. Oh my, she has a nipple wrinkle, and she humps dead people.

2. How sexy, she has a nipple wrinkle
by fox January 20, 2005
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Shock rocker and theatrical artist, as well as a musician. Though a pioneer in shocking parents worldwide, his music is generally fairly upbeat and rarely harbors any real malice.

Some speculation was made by aforementioned shocked parents that he was the Antichrist, but as usual these detractors had not listened to the music they were attacking and did not understand the man who created it.
Uninformed Christian: "Alice Cooper is evil!"
Comparitively intelligent rocker: "Alice Cooper rocks!"
by fox April 16, 2005
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A heterosexual man who is very much in touch with his feminine side, and is not afraid to show it. He appreciates Gucci bags, Prada wallets, etc.
I'd say that Justin Timberlake is homosexual, but I guess he's just metro.
by fox July 30, 2003
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Metropolitan Innundation Syndrome, or MIS, has two main manifestations.

The most prominent occurs when someone of rural or suburban origins travels to a large city. Symptoms include disorientation, slow reactions (as they are unused to the faster pace of life), respiratory problems (from polution), hearing loss and/or tinitus (caused by city noise), and eye strain (from excessive light exposure).

The second manifestation occurs when a city-dweller travels to suburbia or a rural area. The primary symptom in this case is boredome, and subsequent substance abuse or destructive behavior.
Type I: WTF? Where am I? All the streets look the same! I can't think with all this noise and light!

Type II: Dude! There's no Starbucks here! Let's get drunk and burn stuff.
by fox August 9, 2005
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To descibe something disgusting.
"My mums b/f stole the camera from me cause he didn't want me to see the naked pics of my mum....that's so OMFG YEECH!!"
by fox April 1, 2004
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Greeting used to define extreme shock and astonishment when talking to a friend.
by fox February 18, 2004
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My God, did you see that henry tran today, wow.
by fox May 18, 2003
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