12 definitions by faith

1.That gnawing feeling that tells you that you will never love any other as much as you loved the asswipe responsible for your broken heart.
2.Usually accompanied by feelings of self recrimination.
The only way to ease heartache is to make jokes about the ball licker who smashed your love to smithereens.
by faith January 26, 2005
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1. What you suffer from after getting your arse dumped in any especially cruel way by your alleged 'true love'.
2. Especially damaging the first time, and even worse if you're old enough to have known better.
3. That which leaves a constant residual heartache
That fricking ball licker just smashed me with the nastiest heartbreak ever
by faith January 26, 2005
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A personal relationship with the saviour messiah.The "mighty one" of Israel.
To know him is to love him.He loves us enough to make a way for us.He has redeemed us! And we have only to believe and we are saved!
by faith October 1, 2004
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a sarcastic term for a "cool" person or clothes
Yeah, you're gear dude!
by faith August 21, 2003
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1.(masculine)One who breaks a girl's heart through cowardice and lack of testicles.
2.One who benefits from their own lack of testicles.
That fricking ball licker broke my heart! He's such a ball licker!!
by faith January 26, 2005
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