2 definitions by donaldjtrump

Singular, noun: the shit you take a day after anal intercourse. A heavily self-involved and painful bowel movement, leading you to believe it to be substantial yet ultimately unsatisfyingly small and depressingly messy to clean up. Often leaves you feeling unsettled and even angry you had to take your pants off for this. Not to be confused with santorum, though the feces is often preceeded by or covered in santorum.

Alternatives: TDrump, DJTrump
Man, I just took the most depressing drump.
You’re about as exciting as a drump after a barcelona circuit party.
I just took a drump at my boyfriend’s house, I feel like i need to shower.

I’m sorry I got drump stains on your toilet, but thanks for last night!
Why is my tdrump orange?
by donaldjtrump October 19, 2017
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the dry , crusty residue of anal juices, semen, and fecal matter found on the inside of a man's underwear, in his pubic hair, or on his penis after unprotected anal sex.
Damn, that hook up was hot, I still got TCruz in my pants.

Fuck me, now I have to shower, there's TCruz all over me. I hate sex with a dirty bottom.
by donaldjtrump February 5, 2016
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